Posts tagged diversity
Measure the change you want to see in your work. And other steps to consider before setting up your DEI initiatives.

This is a short guide to help you focus on what’s important while designing changes for your DEI journey. Starting with data and accepting that you don’t know everything to analysing and segregating data the way you should. This is not a one-size-fit all kind of guide as there is no such a thing in DEI work!

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Recruitment - A Guide to Inclusive Recruitment Practices

With the rise in protest regarding police brutality, abuse of power, sexual harassment, and other important social issues - stakeholders have turned to companies to take a stance on many of the social issues - both externally and internally within their organizations. Stakeholders are seeking authentic action from organizations regarding discrimination and are no longer willing to settle for lip service. Therefore, companies have to evolve and improve in order to prevent from going extinct. In order, to adapt and improve, companies must become DEI agents for change. But in order to do so, we must give companies and change agents the proper tools and practices to effectively, efficiently, and authentically navigate this role.

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A Call to Action: 6 Recommendations to Start Dismantling Racism

Racism is learned, therefore with time, effort, and work people can unlearn their racism. We work on dismantling racism by starting with ourselves first and doing the inner work. The following recommendations focus on understanding your own implicit biases, the stage of your racial identity journey, and actionable steps to take within your inner circle to start a continual conversation that can lead to the revolutionary act of dismantling racism and white supremacy.

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