D&I Lab Talk: Well-being and Inclusion in an online workplace

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HR departments and leadership started to redesign work processes and put emphasis on well-being in the last 10 years. Last year, however, everyone started talking about and creating concrete strategies and tactics to address employee well-being, especially since remote work became the new business as usual.

In this D&I Lab Talk, we will explore how well-being can be approached in a digital context and how inclusive practises can be applied in an online workplace. Most of the companies have gone fully digital the past months, while a lot of events around the world are still impacting our well-being and mental health. All these, while each one of us has different needs and traits. How an organisation can master a caring culture towards their employees and shape strategies and tactics to secure employee well-being? How can a team leader be inclusive in a digital world and make sure that everyone’s needs are communicated when a talk next to the coffee machine or during lunch in the canteen is no longer a reality? What are the do’s and dont’s of thoughtful adjustments that we can start tomorrow in our work?

Helene Aagaard, CEO in Diversity Factor, will be joined by Hanne Blume, CHRO in TDC NET and will discuss tips, techniques and strategies that will help employees’ wellbeing and address how we can be inclusive in our online interactions. Not only is Hanne a hugely competent HR leader with vast experience from both Ørsted and TDC NET, but she also holds several board positions. And then, she is leading the way in TDC NET with their Pioneering Digital Collaboration vision and thereby has a lot of tools in her box that can help us create inclusive, digital working environments.

Mark your calendars and join us for a Zoom talk from the comfort of your home office.

Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/well-being-and-inclusion-in-an-online-workplace-tickets-136806210057  

About D&I Lab Talk

Our D&I Lab Talks is a series of online informal talks that aim to address current burning issues and inspire to create an inclusive workplace. During an hour, we are joined by exceptional professionals and discuss topics on which we are keen on exploring more.