In case you missed it: D&I Lab Talk (March) - The recording

D&I Talk (March) - Women (4).png

In our latest D&I Lab Talk, we talked about womxn in Danish organisations and how we can make sure that everyone is included by applying an intersectional perspective in our DEI, HR work and collaboration within diverse organisations.

Helene Aagaard, CEO in Diversity Factor, invited Divya Rao and Caroline Onyango from ProWoc Network who provided us with lived experiences from their work and network, insights and strategies to equip our organisations to engage womxn of colour and different backgrounds when we are driving cultural transformations and DEI strategies. Now, more than ever, it is important to think across more than one diversity dimension and we really want danish organisations to catch up to the global discussion on diversity and inclusion.

During the conversation, a lot of interesting topics were discussed with regards to micro-aggressions, HR policies and manager’s responsibilities that we can start implement tomorrow in our teams and include in our strategies. As Divya mentioned, this should not be seen as a campaign for marketing or HR purposes but instead as a business discipline embedded in our organisations if we want tangible and sustainable results.

We hope you will find this recording as insightful as we did!

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About D&I Lab Talks

Our D&I Lab Talks is a series of online informal talks that aim to address current burning issues and inspire to create an inclusive workplace. During an hour, we are joined by exceptional professionals and discuss topics on which we are keen on exploring more.