D&I Lab Talk: Womxn in Danish Organisations - Broadening the discussion

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There have been indeed some heated discussions the past weeks with regards to women in board positions in DK. Following a somewhat daft headline in the Danish newspaper Børsen, we felt the need to address these issues and communicate our take on how inclusion is so much more than (white) women in Danish organisations. Don’t get us wrong! It’s great to have (heated) discussions on gender and specifically women in our organisations. However, while doing so, we need to also talk about colour, age, sexuality, education and all other diversity dimensions, if we want to include all womxn in our organisations.

For the upcoming International Women’s Day 2021, in our D&I Lab Talk, we talk about womxn and apply an intersectional lens to the discussion. Helene Aagaard, CEO of Diversity Factor, is joined by Divya Rao (Marketing Communications Manager at Humanitrack) and Caroline Onyango (Legal Counsel at A.P. Møller-Maersk) from ProWoc network. The Professional Women of Colour (ProWoc) Network is a non-profit organisation that offers career and personal development opportunities for women of colour seeking to increase their visibility and impact in Denmark.

How can we include all womxn while attracting, retaining, developing and engaging in our organisations? What is intersectionality in DEI initiatives? What tools and initiatives can we implement tomorrow and long-term to engage all womxn in our organisations? Is it enough to introduce only gender quotas in an organisation while each one of us is so complex? How can we make sure that a dominant group in a workforce (i.e. while males) can act as change agents for a cultural transformation in an organisation? 

Together with Divya Rao and Caroline Onyango, we will discuss tips, insights and strategies for our organisations to engage womxn of colour and different backgrounds when we are driving cultural transformations and DEI strategies. Now, more than ever, it is important to think across more than one diversity dimension and we really want danish organisations to catch up to the global discussion on diversity and inclusion.

The D&I Lab Talk will be recorded and sent out to all registrants after the talk, so sign up even if you can't make the live event.

Mark your calendars and join us for a Zoom talk from the comfort of your home office.

Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.dk/e/di-lab-talk-womxn-in-danish-organisations-broadening-the-discussion-tickets-142094892649

About D&I Lab Talk

Our D&I Lab Talks is a series of online informal talks that aim to address current burning issues and inspire to create an inclusive workplace. During an hour, we are joined by exceptional professionals and discuss topics on which we are keen on exploring more.

About ProWoc

ProWoc is a non-profit organisation working to increase the visibility and impact of women of colour in Denmark. Learn more here: https://prowoc.org/