D&I Lab Talk: Securing an inclusive and caring culture - Going back to the office
It’s been a bit more than a year since Mette started mentioning the word “hjemmearbejde” and we entered a series of lockdowns. Since then, most employers and HR departments in Denmark were called to change processes, policies and made jumping between MS Teams meetings the new normal. Now, after a long period of online fatigue, organisations in Denmark are starting to plan for the next step: the return to office in some shape or form.
Throughout the past months, we have discussed extensively with our clients the different ways they are planning to return to the office. What we always highlight is to ensure a caring culture that will take into account the different needs that each employee has and what employers can do to secure the wellbeing of their workforce past lockdowns. But how can they do that?
This is the main question we believe is more important than ever and we will discuss in our next D&I Lab Talk: “ Securing an inclusive and caring culture: Going back to the office.” How can we secure a caring culture for all employees, when going back to the office? How can flexible work “work” for everyone? What are the tools that companies can use to ensure the wellbeing of their employees now that all those social interactions at the coffee machine starts back up? What are the main challenges that we need to tackle in our workplaces going forward?
For these questions, Helene Aagaard, CEO of Diversity Factor, is joined by Anja Rose, Director, Head of Talent and D&I in Maersk Drilling. We know how passionate Anja is, when it comes to D&I and creating a caring culture from our work with her back in Autumn where we helped Maersk Drilling understand how everyone can be an ally and how a caring culture where everyone is feeling comfortable can be created. Anja has extensive experience with strategic HR and has for the past years focused on using talent and leadership to drive transformation and yield more inclusive culture. Building a culture that attracts and retains broad diversity through flexibility and adapting to the new normal is a core part of Maersk Drilling’s D&I strategy.
Together with Anja, we will discuss tips, insights and strategies for our organisations to be aware of when returning to work. Now, more than ever, it is important to secure a workplace where everyone feels comfortable and where social interactions are encouraged in a safe space.
The D&I Lab Talk will be recorded and sent out to all registrants after the talk, so sign up even if you can't make the live event.
Mark your calendars and join us for a Zoom talk from the comfort of your home office.
Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.dk/e/di-lab-talk-securing-an-inclusive-and-caring-culture-going-back-to-the-o-tickets-148006751177
About D&I Lab Talk
Our D&I Lab Talks is a series of online informal talks that aim to address current burning issues and inspire to create an inclusive workplace. During an hour, we are joined by exceptional professionals and discuss topics on which we are keen on exploring more.