How to communicate without excluding

D&I is a transformational journey for any organisation. However, how do we ensure that everybody is onboard for the ride?

Join our online D&I Lab Talk with Communication and Stakeholder Relations expert, Louise Münter, where we will talk about the art of communicative framing and how you can use framing as a way to get all onboard and ensure that nobody is feeling excluded.

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Louise Münter has a long-standing expertise within strategic communication and stakeholder relations. She spent the past 15 years in corporate, hereunder DONG Energy (now Ørsted), A.P. Moller - Maersk and TDC, where she has been part of major mergers and separations (including the establishment of DONG Energy, the separation of the oil related businesses in A.P Moller - Maersk and the separation of the TDC Group). So she knows a thing or two about transformation and how to frame the strategic process around them.

Join us for free on Zoom - just sign up right here!

The D&I Lab Talk will be recorded and sent out to all registrants after the talk, so sign up even if you can't make the live event.

About D&I Lab Talks
Our D&I Lab Talks is a series of online informal talks that aim to address current burning issues and inspire to create an inclusive workplace. During an hour, we are joined by exceptional professionals and discuss topics on which we are keen on exploring more.