When we look into DEI, we need to get deeper into our diverse workforce's perceptions to uncover hidden barriers to maximising DEI efforts.


We will help reach you your DEI potential with our Inclusion Survey by:

  • Uncover structural and procedural biases and workplace experiences that negatively impact your employees’ engagement, satisfaction, and retention that affect a business's performance.

  • Examine the unique day-to-day experiences of individuals within your organisation

  • Utilise insights to onboard stakeholders and uncover pockets of success and pain points

  • Identify and recommend strategic efforts that reduce the cost and risk of trial-and-error approaches to DEI


What we measure:


Diversity Factor is dedicated to protect your anonymity and data. How do we protect your data:

  • Your responses are completely anonymous.

  • Individual data is not passed to anyone at your company.

  • Reporting is done on majority and minority groups.

  • A small sample size of under 30 participants will be presented as "sample size under 30"; however, the specific sample size will not be given.

  • Written comments will be paraphrased and anonymised by removing identifiable information such as people, places, specific titles, etc.

  • The overall feedback is made for the whole of your company and not by team or department.